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How to Change from Lowercase to Uppercase in Excel

Microsoft’s Excel spreadsheet program has several functions to make your text type-case consistent. If you have a series of names that is in the lowercase, you can use “flash fill” function to capitalize names in Excel 2013. If you need all the text to be uppercase, you can use UPPER function to capitalize all the letters or PROPER to capitalize the first letter.

Steps Edit

Method One of Four:

Using the Uppercase Function Edit

Method Two of Four:

Using the Proper Name Function Edit

Method Three of Four:

Using Flash Fill in Excel 2013 Edit

Method Four of Four:

Community Q&A

  • You can't use caps lock on some operating systems; try using the uppercase button
  • Yes, you can do this by selecting the entire sheet then specifying you want it to be uppercase.

Video Edit

Things You'll Need Edit

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