converter html5 para mp4 free download

Free Online HTML5 Video Converter

Convert videos to HTML5 compatible Webm , Ogg and Mp4 files in one step

Regrettably, we've had to close this service because the more it grew, the more it cost us to run. We won't leave you hanging though, here are some alternatives:

Convert videos up to 16 seconds and 150MB to WebM, Mp4 and Ogg in one step at

Convert to Mp4, Webm and if you require, Ogg on

If you're interested in sponsoring the service to keep it running, or taking over the running costs, feel free to email us and we can provide details on traffic and running costs.

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"Convert any #video to #HTML5 webm, mp4 and ogg files in one step, for free."

(Just make sure you've downloaded your files first)

Introducing BG Stock: Stock HTML5 Background Videos

BG Stock is a stock video library specifically for website background videos. We optimise the files for you and your download comes as a pack with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and all the necessary video files.

(Opens in a new tab and won't interrupt your conversion)

About HTML5 Video Formats

What is HTML5 video?

HTML5 video refers to a new HTML element ( <video> ) that was added to the HTML specification with HTML5. Browsers that support the HTML5 <video> element can play video files natively, while previously they would have required a plugin like Flash to play video content.

HTML5 Video Example Code

Note: to improve performance, you should always include the type attribute on your <source> elements. This allows the browser decide which file to use without first loading each file.

Also see the Mozilla Developer Network's section on attributes you can add to your opening <video> tag.

Why do I need multiple formats for HTML5 video?

The HTML5 <video> element does not require multiple video formats, however different browsers (and browser versions) support different video container formats and codecs, so for maximum cross-compatibility we add multiple file formats in their own <source> elements as children of the <video> element.

What are the best video formats for HTML5 video

For maximum browser compatibility you should include three formats in your HTML5 <video> elements:

Supporting HTML5 video in IE8 and older browsers with a Flash fallback

Any HTML between your <video> tags (other than the <source> elements and optional <track> elements) will be ignored by browsers that support HTML5 video, however this code will still be processed by older browsers that don't support HTML5 video. That means you can, if you wish, include a Flash fallback for these browsers simply by adding it between the <video> tags.

Here's an example of a HTML5 <video> with a Flash fallback, taken from the Mozilla Developer Network:

More Ways to Encode

Depending on the length and quality of your video, you may want more control over your encoding. Elmar Stellnberger lists some of the other ways to encode to HTML5 formats in his Introduction to HTML5 video.

Service provided by Branch Digital using the Zencoder API.