Free download convert xls to xml open source

Convert xls to xml open source

Can somebody help me on how to convert my xml spreadsheet 2003 to Excel? I have a page which uses openxml template but the problem is after i rename it to xls extension. this error prompts up.

"The file you are trying to open is in different format that specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?

Whats great is that excel can actually convert that xml to excel. maybe i can do the same programmatically. Btw im using c#. Pls help.

  • Edited by Joebet Lacierda Mutia Thursday, September 05, 2013 6:00 PM

I'm not certain I understand exactly what you have and what you need to do with it.

You have a spreadsheet that was saved in Excel 2003 to a *.xml file format? So, essentially, you're able to view the content of the file in Notepad or some other text editor? (I'm just checking that this is the format of the file in question.)

In that case, you either need to write code to transform that information to the Excel 2007-2013 Office Open XML file format, license a third-party software with that capability to integrate into your aspx, or you'd need to automate the Excel application. You cannot simply rename the file to *.xls or *.xlsx.

Automating the Excel application is not supported or recommended in a server-side environment, so ideally you should transform the data to the *.xlsx file format. This is not directly supported by the Open XML SDK (there's no tool that can do it for you in a single step), but you could certainly use the Open XML SDK to accomplish the task. The Excel *.xml file format is documented in the information for Excel 2002:

Cindy Meister, VSTO/Word MVP, my blog

  • Marked as answer by Fei Xue Microsoft contingent staff, Moderator Monday, September 16, 2013 1:01 AM

You have to understand that this is a non-trivial process: no one here can write the code for you. There is no "plug-in" solution available in the documentation that you can simply pick up and modify.

All we can do here in the forum is guide you and try to help you with specific problems you encounter. This task requires good XML skills and a thorough understanding of both file formats. That means digging in and researching.

You may also want to reference this discussion, which pretty much says it all:

In the end, it may be cheaper (and a lot faster) to invest in a third-party tool, such as supplied by Aspose.

Cindy Meister, VSTO/Word MVP, my blog

  • Marked as answer by Fei Xue Microsoft contingent staff, Moderator Monday, September 16, 2013 1:01 AM

All replies

I'm not certain I understand exactly what you have and what you need to do with it.

You have a spreadsheet that was saved in Excel 2003 to a *.xml file format? So, essentially, you're able to view the content of the file in Notepad or some other text editor? (I'm just checking that this is the format of the file in question.)

In that case, you either need to write code to transform that information to the Excel 2007-2013 Office Open XML file format, license a third-party software with that capability to integrate into your aspx, or you'd need to automate the Excel application. You cannot simply rename the file to *.xls or *.xlsx.

Automating the Excel application is not supported or recommended in a server-side environment, so ideally you should transform the data to the *.xlsx file format. This is not directly supported by the Open XML SDK (there's no tool that can do it for you in a single step), but you could certainly use the Open XML SDK to accomplish the task. The Excel *.xml file format is documented in the information for Excel 2002:

Cindy Meister, VSTO/Word MVP, my blog

  • Marked as answer by Fei Xue Microsoft contingent staff, Moderator Monday, September 16, 2013 1:01 AM

You have a spreadsheet that was saved in Excel 2003 to a *.xml file format? Yes. i created a template from excel and export it as spreadsheet 2003 and it gives me openxml spreadsheet xml codes.

So, essentially, you're able to view the content of the file in Notepad or some other text editor? (I'm just checking that this is the format of the file in question.) Yes

" Automating the Excel application is no t supported or recommended in a server-side environment, so ideally you should transform the data to the *.xlsx file format. This is not directly supported by the Open XML SDK (there's no tool that can do it for you in a single step), but you could certainly use the Open XML SDK to accomplish the task. The Excel *.xml file format is documented in the information for Excel 2002:"

Im also not required to use non free 3rd party tools and also tried to free one "close xml" but it doesnt suit the requirements

You have to understand that this is a non-trivial process: no one here can write the code for you. There is no "plug-in" solution available in the documentation that you can simply pick up and modify.

All we can do here in the forum is guide you and try to help you with specific problems you encounter. This task requires good XML skills and a thorough understanding of both file formats. That means digging in and researching.

You may also want to reference this discussion, which pretty much says it all:

In the end, it may be cheaper (and a lot faster) to invest in a third-party tool, such as supplied by Aspose.

Cindy Meister, VSTO/Word MVP, my blog

  • Marked as answer by Fei Xue Microsoft contingent staff, Moderator Monday, September 16, 2013 1:01 AM

You have to understand that this is a non-trivial process: no one here can write the code for you. There is no "plug-in" solution available in the documentation that you can simply pick up and modify.

All we can do here in the forum is guide you and try to help you with specific problems you encounter. This task requires good XML skills and a thorough understanding of both file formats. That means digging in and researching.

You may also want to reference this discussion, which pretty much says it all:

In the end, it may be cheaper (and a lot faster) to invest in a third-party tool, such as supplied by Aspose.

Cindy Meister, VSTO/Word MVP, my blog

Im certainly not asking for anyone to do the job for me. Like what you had said i just needed a guide or any documentation Microsoft had provided for us. But since you already pointed another forum post.. this only means that this problem dont have a straightforward and proper documentation from Microsoft. I guess we just have to let this popup appear rather than buying $1k worth of library.

I hope MS will put some guides or something in the future.

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